
The University of Hong Kong (informally known as HKU or Hong Kong University) is a public research university located in Pokfulam, Hong Kong, founded in 1911 during the British Colonial era. It is the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong, originally established in order to compete with other Great Powers that had opened higher learning institutions in China at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, established in 1887, evolved to be the medical faculty, one of its first three faculties alongside Arts and Engineering.
香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,缩写 HKU),是一所位于香港岛薄扶林的公立研究型大学。该校创立于1911年殖民地时期,并于翌年正式办学,是香港第一所高等教育机构。1887年成立的香港华人西医书院成为其医学院,与文学及工程同为其创校学院。后来的日占时期曾对大学的运作造成了很大的干扰。二次大战后,学校则继续发展,多个新部门及学院也相继落成。
Founded in 1963, CUHK is a university that is as firmly rooted in Chinese culture as it is positioned in modern civilized society. After close to half a century of growth and development, CUHK has become a comprehensive research university, a regional leader with a global reputation.
Since the inception, CUHK has committed ourselves not only to advancing academic research but also upholding the humanistic culture. A university's role is not only to impart knowledge, but also to groom the moral character of our society's future torchbearers. This, CUHK believe, is the essence of a university and the raison d'être of the Chinese University.
City University of Hong Kong (Abbreviation: CityU; Chinese: 香港城市大學) is a public research university located in Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon which was originally founded in 1984 as City Polytechnic of Hong Kong and became a fully accredited university later in 1994.
香港城市大学,简称城大或香港城大(英文:City University of Hong Kong,缩写:CityU),是一所位于香港九龙塘的大学。为境内九所大学及八所受政府大学教育资助委员会资助的院校之一。因其独特的地理位置而成为香港最接近市区的院校之一。
Nanyang Technological University is one of the two largest public universities in Singapore (the other being the National University of Singapore). Its 200-hectare Yunnan campus, located in the west side of Singapore, is the largest university campus on the island. NTU is also host to the autonomous National Institute of Education, Singapore's main teaching college.
南洋理工大学(英语:Nanyang Technological University;缩写:NTU;马来语: Universiti Teknologi Nanyang),简称南大,是新加坡的一所公立研究型大学。此大学的主要校园,也被称为“云南园”,位于新加坡的西南部。南大的任务是通过不同的学科培养具有创造力和企业的领袖。南洋理工大学为大约33,500名本科生和研究生提供高质量的教育。其毕业生包括国内外赫赫有名的学者和奥林匹克奖得主。南大共有约3,300名教职工,来自世界上70多个国家,这个强大的团体为南大带来了国际化的视野和丰富的经验。
The Australian National University (ANU) is a public university in Canberra,Australian Capital Territory. Located in the suburb ofActon, the main campus encompasses seven teaching and research colleges, in addition to several national institutes.
ANU currently enrols 10,359 undergraduate and 9,674 postgraduate students and employs 3,958 staff. The university's endowment stood at A$1.237 billion in 2010.
澳大利亚国立大学(英语:The Australian National University,又译澳大利亚国家大学,简称ANU)是一所位于澳大利亚首都特区堪培拉的研究型国立大学。它同时也是国际研究型大学联盟(IARU)、澳大利亚八大名校(Go8)、大学天文研究协会(AURA)以及环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)的盟校之一。